"Halfling? What? I'm not halfof anything."
- Benden Piper

A day in the life of an anarchist

Ah...Okay, you got me, I'm an Anarchist. Had you going there, didn't I? Playing that green little prime. I ama Prime, but I've been here longer then you think. How long? Let's just say long enough, I'm not giving any details here. Okay, I know that most people are thinking, "Anarchists? Hah! They just want to tear down everything!". Well, the truth is, no, we don't, and I'm here to set all you ignorant berks straight as to just how we think and what we actually do.

We Anarchists aren't out to turn the entire multiverse into rubble, or one big pile of swirling chaos, no matter what any Hard-Head tells you.  All we want is too preserve the balance of things. Without balance, the multiverse will slide into oblivion. And power, too. Too much power will corrupt a person. Greed, the deadliest of evils. To quote: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely.". Take the power from someone, and they're humbled. They won't try anything, like, say, taking over Sigil. Now, I know, you're thinking, "Then why don't you challenge the Lady, hmmm?". But don't be silly, we're not stupid. Besides, the Lady preserves the sacred balance of things, too. When someone tries to worship someone inside Sigil as a god, which would allow the god to take over our fair city, what does she do? She destroys them, right.  And if some high-up berk tries to take over the city, and make himself dictator, subtely or unsubtely(both have been done), what does she do? She flays them, right. Plus she doesn't even let some of the high-up berks into the city, like proxies and such. So you see? Our fair Lady is just as devoted to preserving the balance of all things as we are, and don't give me any of that "the only reason she kills those folks is to keep her place as ruler" blek either. if that was the case, you think any of the factions would be around at all? No. She realizes the importance of the factions. Okay, enough about the philosophies of the League, on to sometrhing a little more helpful:
The Beholder Tongue: As taught by Spectavus Onryvx, a rogue beholder gone Scholar.

A Collection of Portals and Their Keys: And a few hints for more accurate planar travel, as collected by Tavius Ovirak, a Pandemonic Bard.

A Handy Dictionary of Helpful Planar Phrases: In the tongues of several high-up species of the planes.

The Recorded Results: Of a few experiments I have done.

The Rites of Ascension: By Scrvx Ceknikovf, a dust mephit and aspiring god.

Words of Wisdom: A collection of phrases that'll help a body through life.


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